Can't get this to work

I have set the advanced craft options to many items yet those set to "0" still are not instant, what other setting am I missing?

I use permissions manager to set the permissions for the group "Default" which are set to
Blockitems Granted
Itemrate Granted
Crafting rate Granted

instantbulkcraft, setbenchlvl, setskins, vip 1 and 2 are all set to Revoked.

Not working for me either. Only global crafting rate, VIP multipliers are not working at all.

if (bonusperm_time > (float)config.BonusMultiplier[bonusperm.Split('.')[1]]) continue;​

the code will not work. 100 is greater than 90 and 80

bonusperm_time = 100
vip1 = 90
vip2 = 80