Can't enter car with turrets

Haven't tested all iterations but on a four module vehicle with a cab up front and three engines behind it. With a turret mounted on the 3rd module (the middle engine) I can no longer enter the vehicle. Removing that turret allows me to enter it again.

I am having the same issue. Did anyone get this fixed?

The issue is that some of the default positions don't work anymore. They now cause the client to calculate that there's no valid dismount point when there's a turret too close to the seats, even though the turret colliders have been removed on the server side, since the client can't know about that.

You can adjust the turret positions in the config under AutoTurretPositionByModule.

I will revisit the default positions later this month. It's just tricky since there are thousands of possible module combinations, so I need to figure out a good way to basically evaluate them all to be sure the positions work.

I take it this was never fixed?

I have not yet made any changes to the default positions, but as stated previously, the turret positions are adjustable in the config, so you can technically resolve this yourself. If you figure out positions that work, you can share them here.

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I have not yet made any changes to the default positions, but as stated previously, the turret positions are adjustable in the config, so you can technically resolve this yourself. If you figure out positions that work, you can share them here.

Cool, was just wondering. I couldnt get in my vehicle and wondered if it was a new thing or the same one. Changed module and it works. Thanks for your hard work!

same for campervan