Update Needed?

@misticos Any update on this please? We that use Clans and DynaCupShare REALLY need this to be implemented .... please? :)

I have an update that needs to be tested, message me: misticos#2334

You can't expect people to test it on live servers, surely? :)

I don't see why not :) ha-ha.

Hello, same for us, we that use Clans and Automatic Authorization REALLY need this to be implemented .... please!

Does this plugin now work with Clans and Automatic Authorization on TC?

ive had some people try the new version with such support, seems to be fine erg. dm me on discord for a last test

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ive had some people try the new version with such support, seems to be fine erg. dm me on discord for a last test


hey misticos, I added you on dc, Im koya. I would like to test the newest version. thanks

Merged post

hey mistocos, any way to remove the global notification 'purge has started'?