Oxide Development and Community Update

You might already know, but the Oxide team is planning on making improvements to the Oxide framework, the website, and other related tools.


 The Sandbox

The first thing we plan on doing is removing the sandbox. The inclusion of the sandbox has been a controversial topic for many years. Nowadays, hosts use containers to separate clients on shared machines and as a result, the sandbox has become obsolete. It has become more of a limitation for developers than it is a safeguard for server owners, so starting with next force wipe (April 6th), the sandbox will be completely removed.


With this change will come a revision to our plugin submission guidelines. We will now be allowing plugins using reflection and harmony. The site will be updated to reflect this.


If you have and questions or concerns about the removal of the sandbox (or any other changes or matters) please reach out to any member of the Oxide team.


 Oxide Framework

We have been working on replacing our ancient Mono compiler with the more modern Roslyn compiler which will support newer C# versions and features.

Additionally, we are working on upgrading our tools and the framework to support runtime patching for hooks. This means that instead of using our patching tool to inject static method calls into the server files, then distributing those modified files, Oxide will be able to dynamically patch and un-patch those method calls as and when they are needed.


The main benefits of this are:
- A reduction in the number of unnecessary hook calls, resulting in a performance gain.
- No more dragging and dropping oxide files into your managed folder each update.
- Out of date hooks will just not patch instead of (possibly) causing unexpected behaviour.


We are close to completing these new features and internal testing will be happening throughout this month, with hopefully a public test build being released soon.


 Help Wanted

We are a small team, always looking for another pair of hands. We are looking for people to fill these roles:

- Core Developers => Maintain and develop the core Oxide framework, either fixing bugs or implementing new features.

- Plugin Reviewer => Curate plugin submissions on the website, ensuring plugins follow the guidelines and have a base level of code quality.

- Documentation => Write helpful documentation about the Oxide framework (hooks, libraries etc.) or how to use it (installation, commands etc.).

- Web Developers => Someone capable of developing websites or creating designs (or both!).


If any of these roles interest you, please send a message to an Oxide team admin.



We now have a platform to receive your feedback and suggestions.

Note: This is for feedback related to the framework, website, or other related things, not for hook requests. We are working on a separate form to request hook additions.



To keep up with updates, new releases, and ongoing developments join our discord server:


This is fantastic news. These changes will bring a lot of positive impact on the community. Keep up the good work!

Expired Discord link


Expired Discord link

Lol Umod wont let me post there discord link but here it is remove the spaces.
Or look at the bottum of this page under the Help Section for the link.
Or at the top of the page.

discord.     gg/oxide

VVw12TJj7fpv9ON.png Razor

Lol Umod wont let me post there discord link but here it is remove the spaces.
Or look at the bottum of this page under the Help Section for the link.
Or at the top of the page.

discord.     gg/oxide

I completely understood what you were talking about. thx


Expired Discord link

Should be fixed now, thanks.

Please Fix for hurtworld-

Could not check for update to Compiler.exe

Wish you guys would consider PalWorld for the next Oxide game.

Literally the best plugins & mods EVER have all come from Oxide based plugins.

And god damn that game really needs decent modders compared to what is there now.

Since the Wipe for RUST. And including the Patches/Updates to Umod. My server is telling me this!....every 5-10 minutes.
What's up with this? And what does it mean for Lag or Stress on my server? My "RotatingPickups" is not working also.....AGAIN!!! And now, No Recyclers in the Monuments now. How can we fix this because I am not the only server owner experiencing these things when Oxide/Umod gives us a Patch/update. I know for a Fact that this is being a problem all the way in Australia even.
I hope someone responds this time. And explains why this is happening?
Thanks for your time. And hopefully your IMMEDIATE RESPONSE to Repair your mistakes please.            Dave

 And hopefully your IMMEDIATE RESPONSE to Repair your mistakes please.

Lmao that is so funny just so ya know go to facepunch where ya got the game its there mistake not Umods LMAO Ya gave me a good laff thinking somone owes ya somthing.

Don't know what colour the Sky is in your world? I wasn't looking for anything. Just some help. Trying to find a reason it was saying this. I didn't know you would be so Sarcastic. Your Response says alot about who you are. Your suppose to help us with questions and stuff. Not be a Dick.
          Sorry I inconvenienced you. Sounds like you needed a good laugh anyways. And the Stupid part is. Why would you even think I wanted something that you Owed me. That's just insane. Kinda like "Profiling"!


Don't know what colour the Sky is in your world? I wasn't looking for anything. Just some help. Trying to find a reason it was saying this. I didn't know you would be so Sarcastic. Your Response says alot about who you are. Your suppose to help us with questions and stuff. Not be a Dick.
          Sorry I inconvenienced you. Sounds like you needed a good laugh anyways. And the Stupid part is. Why would you even think I wanted something that you Owed me. That's just insane. Kinda like "Profiling"!

Maybe you missed the "IMMEDIATE RESPONSE" You Required? Why else would it be in all caps?