How to login

Hi Im a complete noob at this. What do i need to do to log in and start using this plugin?

hi, load into the game and type /radar

Thank you for the response.
It didnt work.
Im admin on the server so does this work without doing anything else or do i need the plugin to know who i am and that i am admin ie log in with my steam id?

hi, no, you just need to install the plugin and type /radar
admin accounts with authlevel 1 have access by default already. if it doesn't work then you don't have this. if it says command not found then it's not installed.

Restrict Access To Steam64 IDs is NOT required by default
Restrict Access To Auth Level is level 1 by default

ownerid or moderatorid both give this. maybe you have not given yourself admin on the server?

ownerid 76561198212000000 saltypickle self
replace with your actual steamid